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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query elliptical. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2020

WK 14

 Welcome to WK14.

I wondered how this was ging to be different. It moved from 2 days Leg work to 3 days Leg work of the 5 days.

I have to figure out the right combination of cardio to strength ratio. 50-50 or 60-40.


Legs - 30 min Elliptical and

30 min Legs & Abs


30 min Elliptical and 

chest & biceps

Flew into the next week.


30 min Legs & abs + 10 min elliptical


Shoulders, Triceps and Chest


Legs workout

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Friday, August 2, 2019

How to Wake up Fit?

How to Wake up Fit?
Fitness through time
Raise your glass if you woke up fit
Raise your glass if you want to wake up fit
Seems like there are more hands than people here.
I woke up fit and want to wake up fit everyday.
10 years ago I could do an elliptical for an hour everyday and now on an occasional Friday, if I can do the elliptical for an hour, I feel 10 years younger. I feel younger just by listening to the music I heard working out then.
Even though the definition of fit might change from insert your age to the next decade, we still want to be fit. What is fit, fit is whats possible that day.
I have been doing that for years now. And just like that one day I was able to do P90x and kept at it for 6 months now. In the rear mirror of my car, is the crushed second pre-pregnancy weight goal.
I thought I was done but it appeared again and again and again. Wait did I say it 3 times, but this time I know its for final, because I have turned the fan HIGH.
I have 25 years of experience of dealing with gaining weight not by choice and losing weight intentionally.
In the last 4 years, I kept the fan running with showing up loyally everyday at the gym but in work clothes and mommy guiltxcuse that I couldn’t spend too much time on my exercise. My exercise which was 1 hour long when I was single. Even if I had the time, I didn’t have the stamina. But I also wanted to believe that my previous weight loss was not only from exercise but diet too. That I didn’t have to slog for an hour for what could be achieved in half an hour. As a mom of two, time is precious.

Why turn the fan HIGH if you don’t have to.

How I came to strength training is when I was working out in the gym, a lady was working one of the machines I didn’t know how to. Have you seen that body trainer machine, where you stretch your arms out like Atlas?
In that process, she told me that as we age, it is important to do strength training. Around the same time I got a book and started using the book for strength training. With time I could lift more weights.

After the P90x, I was up for more activity and range of motion. I took change of clothes. One time when I could only make it to the later half of the section, I realized I didn’t have to fret if I missed a section, at the end of it, I could always continue with the beginning.
Fix the leaky pipeline – It’s the weekends – Now I exercise on weekends too. I search out a video that I am going to follow at the beginning of the day, so I know that its on the tab. I try to do it in the morning, so I don’t have to deal with the scheduling in the later part of the day. Before I got to that routine, I would exercise even between cooking. If you think working out takes long, cooking will cure you of that.
Make it a habit or plan ahead
One of my favorite exercise in the P90x series deals with kickboxing where I am taken back in time, centuries ago, as a warrior. Choose the right activity for your age.

It takes a fit village to raise a fit child
It is my eighth grade. Summer is just beginning. We are going to get our exam results. I went to my mom’s tailor few days ago. I know that my shiny blue dress will be ready for the day I get my results. I had done well, so I wasn’t worried about it. That night I had a dream, that I became thin.
In life, you have two types of dream, one where you want something that you can work for and another which you can never reach.
In the morning as a family, we would go for walks. On the way, you could find a sugarcane dropped from the bullock carts, another day I found an onion. I even found a 5 Rupee bill and then I learned what it meant – “Early to bed, Early to rise – makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.
My dad exercised every morning. While we kids walked, he went running. My mom would cook early in the morning, so we could all go walking together. On those walks, many great decisions were made about my future.
He would exercise on the terrace too. I was fortunate enough to be called to join him during the yoga. He taught me to take up jump rope as an exercise.
In my undergrad, It was two things that were the turning point in my life. Two pieces of wisdom from a Readers digest.
You can control your appetite. Walking helps, even though it is slow.
It was hard to not eat rice and switch to chapathi. It was easy to count the chapathis and know my intake. With rice, its hard to measure. I rolled an intern’s cash-strapped life into a fitness opportunity by skipping the auto that would take as much time as walking.
I slowly lost weight like ¾ pound each month. I kept going. Walking to the office, even though a bus ride was available.
I got into so much walking. If the weather felt good, I couldn’t stay indoors. I had to go on long walks. Until then it was always an individual thing.

Behind the fit me, are many people guiding me.
Welcome to My personal health club.
I am not alone in this.
My first exercise instructor happens to be my dad, My mom, who went to the gym and took me along, friends who held my legs so, I could do sit ups.
At ASU Student recreation center, the elliptical machine stranger, but she has played a part in my fitness journey.
I was never alone.
Be it the lady who told me how to work the circuit machine or the exercise buddys who let me join their group even when they didn’t know me.
I was never alone.
I have many instructors, some of them are celebrity trainers.
A friend once made me realise that members of a club have a sense of belonging as they are all connected with a common thread. All the people that I now told you about, belong to my health club. A select club of people who care about the same things as me – health and fitness.
My kid jumps high in the air and asks me if it is a power jump. See how their vocabulary is increasing in the fitness world. Each time I come across a new type of workout, I am increasing my possibility of continuing to workout.
The exercise world can make you go giddy with knowledge and not everyone knows every move. It is not easy to learn a new thing. You need someone who can teach you or show you how to do the complex moves
Help can come in other forms – information, support, appreciation, acknowledgement.
Who is in your health club?
Whose health club are you in?
How to Wake up Fit?
You wake up fit by working out before you go to bed
You wake up fit by taking care of your body with good nutrition and hydration
You wake up fit by getting a good nights sleep
Wash, Rinse, repeat but don’t forget to turn the fan High to dry
You wake up fit with your health club

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Will It Be Easy? Nope. Worth It ? Absolutely

Will It Be Easy Nope Worth It Absolutely - Motivational Quote Wall Art Decal - 23" x 34" - Life Quote Wall Decals - Inspirational Gym Wall Decals - Office Vinyl Wall Decal (23" x 34", Red)

Only when you surmount a challenge, do you feel its worth it.
I heard some not good news, so instead of going to the customary Toastmasters, I headed to the gym, to clear the head. Thanks to it, I was ready for another not so good news after it.
I gripped the elliptical too hard, rnough to shrivel a layer in the pl. Its all good now.
A 1hour elliptical is what I used to do 13 years ago, whenever I can redo that, I feel great.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Obese Child to Fitness freak

In class VIII, my parents took me to a hospital, to get some basic check-up done for getting obese. After few lab tests, the advice was diet and exercise. I did not have enough know-how about how all those things worked. The only things that I was aware of was I was being asked to eat less, do yoga while my father's exercising and I was being sneered at in public.
I once had a dream, I was in a blue dress in front of a mirror and thin. It just remained that, a dream and an impossibility till it became true.
After Class XII, I joined Siddha Samadhi Yoga classes with my mom. After a week, we had to stop eating cooked food. That psyched me so much, that I could see only through one eye for a couple of weeks. It was a terror to not eat rice which I ate for so many years of my life, four times a day.
During my first year of undergrad, I weighed 154lb. I swam for a semester and came to 143lb. But that was all lost enthusiasm, once I got into the college routine. I came to 159lb by the fourth year. Thats when my friends and I started going to the gym whenever possible, nothing much happened by way of weight loss but there was a feel-good factor when we were up in the morning, when it was so beautiful. Slowly I started eating rotis (tortillas). I can say that this is the turning point in my life enroute losing weight. By then I had read in Readers Digest that appetite can be controlled. It was very very hard to shift to rotis from rice. Living on lots of rice for 20 years, made it difficult to shift to rotis. With rice, I did not know how much I was eating. With rotis, I could count.
By the end of that year I reduced to 154lb.
When I was doing my internhsip at Bangalore, my office was 4.5km away. I had lots of time. I was still a student, so I wasnt comfortable paying 30Rs a day, so I just walked. My mom would tell me that ' I walk without whining'.. When we  go to our village, we need to walk for  a km or more. As a kid I did not have problem doing that while my sister threw tantrums. Each time we had to walk, my mom praised my enthusiasm to walk. This somehow increased my interest in walking. I had time and I kept walking 9km a day. I started losing 1.5lb  a month. That is a very unnoticeable change. But I was told that you will never get this weight back. Walking is  a very good exercise, to get you started. This I did for six months and I kept working on having only rotis for lunch. By the end of it I got to 143lb.
Still kept walking whenever I could. this was in 2003
In 2006, I didnt know what got onto me. I was a well-prepared playground for diet and exercise. I kept working out every day on the elliptical for an hour. As I kept losing weight, I came to see the elliptical as a fat melting machine. I reached 115lb ... I did not think that was possible. After all the weight loss, I felt like my legs were made of hollow-bamboo. Soon people started telling me, that they could not recognise me or that I was getting smaller and smaller each time they saw me.
Looking through the journey, I realise that once I figured what worked for me, I kept at it and emerged successful. Later, I went on to do a rim to rim hike in Grand Canyon. Any weekend with good weather, I had to be out walking.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Cubii Jr: Desk Elliptical

Cubii Jr: Desk Elliptical w/ Built In Display Monitor, Easy Assembly, Quiet & Compact, Adjustable Resistance

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Around the World

Continuing my kettle bell mania, I had fun with the around the world move where you have to move the kettlebell around you. For this and the russian swing I used 25 pounds but for the American swing where yout ake the kettlebell overhead, I only used 15 pounds. For the deadlift when I had to activate the hips and legs, I could feel the effect. The workout did get tough, but it was empowering too without being too easy. I liked it that the other direction in the around the world, counted as another move. Happy exercising.
I started with 10 min elliptical and possibly 12 min of the kettlebell workout. It was fun to feel both athletic with the elliptical as well as strong with the strength training. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Less is more

Sometimes finding the right workout for the time that you have, can make it feel like you won the Tetris game. I was trying out an isometric workout (I was warm by then with a 30 min elliptical). when I realise dthat I had t repeat what I had just done 2 more times, I looked for kettlebell workouts. At first I thought 20 min, but there wasnt that much time. 10 min kettlebell workout seemed just right. It is well structured too. You end it with three sets of kettlebell pull throughs. I was silly the rest of the day that in technical terms I exercised the posterior chain. Between these sets was a tricep, what else can you ask for? And I am still in the high of feeling that I am an athlete and getting stronger.

Image Courtesy: marioAshley
I remind myself of this, but nah not there yet. Sometimes I am just glad that someone else does the hardwork of counting in all the exercise videos. Heard of it in Arnold schwarzenegger speech.

Later I was thinking of why BodyFit by Amy felt good to work with. Well, its better than a book even with wonderful pictures. Especially with strength workouts. Real people, not too televised.

I think its the neuron mirroring part of having a person workout alongside, even though you are the one trying to do the atchup. Attic Mystery no. 7 at 5:57 is a very funny riddle of how you think the world is like you and vice a versa that you are like the world you are in.

After a week of cold and no exercise, I started elliptical yesterday and I knew that I was going to feel it this morning. Its just weird to have to feel that as a person who worksout atleast 4 days a week.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Slim Down: A Grad 511 Course

 Having come to USA for a grad school, I was not familiar with Freshman Fifteen. In my case it did not turn out to be true too. In fact, I started a healthy life style in my undergrad and lost stunning tons of weight during my grad school. How did that happen?
Active Buddy
I briefly took up swimming because of an athlete friend. I went to the gym with other friends who also helped me with getting ab exercises right. If it is hard to find like minded people with similar schedules, now you can use Fitbit or your smartphone, to track your activity.
Active Wear
Have a pair of good shoes and active wear handy. Anything that makes you move is worth the investment. Same goes with your means of music which will motivate you to run or walk. It was an mp3 player for me. I know that’s old.

I was obese since my high school. My dad taught me yoga at that time. My mom observed that I loved walking. During college, I came across two very important pieces of information that changed my life. First that walking is a good way to lose weight and Second that it is easy to control your appetite. Armed with this, I struggled with changing my diet from rice to tortillas. Now that I could count what I was eating, it worked wonders in terms of appetite control. Around this time, another friend told me about the science behind slowing down a bit for the brain to get the satiety signals. Once you have a goal, it is amazing to see how al your friends chip in.
Audit the Gym
For one whole year, I exercised at the Student Recreation Center for almost an hour each day. It didn’t start out that way. I had never worked out on an elliptical before. I got to a comfortable 30 min piddle-paddle with the elliptical. One day, I found the machine had been worked to 60 min by a student before me. That’s it. I knew I could do it too. Every few days, a pound was melting off me. That only fueled me more to continue and stick with my exercise.
Be a Cinderella
No matter how much fun the homework was, I had to finish before the gong hit 12. I need a good sleep, so I made it a rule to finish all my homework before midnight. That way I wouldn’t have to deal with headaches from reduced sleep. A good night’s sleep will keep you productive the next day.
Bike, walk but don’t Flash
Most huge campuses are well suited for walk or bike. Your activity needs are met right there. If you are not in a hurry, don’t take the Flash (ASU’s Shuttle). I walked to the grocery store and back. Once I even jogged with a bouquet in my hand as the Olympic torch.
Climb the A Mountain
This is a good time to find out the names of the mountains around and start climbing them. That steep slope is going to be good for your cardio. A fresh
Skip the Free Pizza and the credit card
I was working hard at the gym every day. I was so tuned to that slog that even the tunes of free pizza didn’t shake me off my diet. Exercising with all its endorphin benefits will also regulate your meal choices. I cooked my own food which ensured that it was healthy. After a project, with friends, I would pig-out at the Papa Johns.
For me, losing weight at grad school turned out to be a dream come true. As the workout regimen was showing results, I made time for it every day. Straight from the class, I would go to gym. Making time for a healthy life, was my way of managing time as well as sending a signal to myself that I had it all under control.
My expectation from grad school, was that I would have lots of time for extra curricular activities. But with projects and Cinderella Curfew, it was a world unto its own. But out of that Chrysalis, emerged a Fit me. As a kid, I wondered why I was obese and wondered if there was a snake inside me. After walking the pounds out, one day while carrying a 3-pound watermelon, I realized half way through my weight loss journey, that I used to carry about 3 such watermelons all over my body. I lost about 20 pounds in few months but continued the healthy trend and pushed it to long walks and a rim-to-rim hike in the Grand Canyon. I got so addicted to exercise that when the gym was closed during spring break, I walked 10 miles home from office.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

I read on Reddit that if you have been overweight your whole life, you are likely to be obese in your 30s. Even if you lose the weight now. Is this true?

 I have been overweight from the age of 13 to 22. I have been exercising regularly since age 21. During 23–24, I lost lots of weight. Initially as astudent, i didnt find time to exercise but after that it became my priority. I even made my environment work for me. When office provided food, I would only eat chapathis so that it is easy to count. I had also achieved a good relationship with food. There will always be changes in body weight due to hormones and other factors. But the best gift that we can give ourselves is the knowledge of nutrition and movement and sticking to it through the thick and thin of life.

It is possible to maintain a good healthy weight if nutrition, exercise, sleep are all taken care of.

My initital weight loss was from 1 and half hour of walking up and down to office each day. I have never crossed that weight other than during pregnancy. Ingrain good habits into your life. Maintain a healthy relationship with food with mindful eating practises. If you cook your own food, then you will crave less of the fancy foods as you know how to make them as well as learn more about what goes into each food.

After that I started working out on the elliptical. Between 21–23, I used to still workout for 30 min at the gym. A friend introduced me to the elliptical. I started with the usual 30 min but one day I saw the machine was at 1 hour done by a previous exerciser. I could not believe that the exercise could be done for an hour. Thats it, in the next 3 months I lost so much weight. It was like a fat melting machine. After I reached a maintenance weight I would alternate with 30min gym and 30 min yoga.

You have a good chance of making a good gift for yourselves that grows with each year, making you stronger and healthier. 

I know other people who were overweight in their teens and now learn weightlifting and go to competitions.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Do you change your way of losing weight? If yes, how and why? If not, why?

 What got you here wont get you there

At some point in your getting healthy journey, you will have to change some things. What works at one age might not work at another.

When I was a teenager, I would do yoga but obviously not enough due to time constraints for studying and I didnt know why I had to (more from the rebel sense of when nobody else my age has to).

Late teens again busy studying. Only in the last year of undergrad, I had time to go to the gym, by then I had learned some things from friends.

From those, walking and counting my calories helped a lot. It changed my persona to a fit person. At this point in life I was doing 30 min exercise in the gym everyday.

My next level of breakthrough came when I saw an elliptical left at 60 min done. I couldnt believe that. I picked that miracle from there and lo and below I dropped a pound every alternate day and lost about 25–30 pounds in around 3 months time. Dont ask me what I was eating. I was on a losing weight high.

Later when trying to lose baby weight, I figured weekends were the culprit. The inconsistency of the weekends in diet and exercise was washing away the week’s good behavior. That was a big aha for then.

Depending on different stages in life, you will realise that you need a different tactic to get to your next health goal.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Hashimotos and exercise

 Earlier, I could do P90x. I could do an hour of elliptical and now I aim for 15 min and sometimes stop at 12min. Even the core synergetics which I did ok till the lunge exercise halfway, I could feel the upper body aches in the night. YogaX felt like a great relief. Cant tell which of the standing exercises in the first half of core synergetics caused the legs ache. Usually I go for yoga only when I need calming but today needed it more for the stretching. It is strange how our body changes with time.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Burning fat in gym

Lately I have been worried with an increasing trend in body fat % but I think I found the magic which keeps it at bay. Cardio. 32 min of elliptical followed by Standing Abs workout - 10 minute fat burn. That seems to have done the trick.
Standing abs turns out to be a good choice as a suffice to the exercise. Usually its a 5 min workout repeated twice. Its funny to watch the momentum drop from the first to the second set. The first jumping jacks - I put too much vigor into them. In the second one, my reaction time slowed down so much that it was time for the next move. I didn't miss it. Loved the different take on woodcutter. it almost seemed like a dance.

Training to run a 4.2 mile.

I happened to run in place for a mile on a whim
Did another 0.5mi another day
1.7 mile at 4.8mph, 0.3 mile jogging in place

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pat on the back

Today after a bit of elliptical, I did some strength training. Another lady had been doing walking on the treadmill and some impressive scorpion kick planks. When she saw me later in the hallway, she asked if I had a good workout. I could have answered right away that it was good, but as I considered the workout, there was a measured "It was good".
She said, " You were working really hard"
It feels good to get acknowledgement.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


1. A Tunnel reflection in water completes it
But a good look at the mirror reveals
who we are not
Two bamboo sticks in a vase
now four with a mirror

2. An elliptical mirror
looks like a circle from far
Distance reduces an ellipse's
ecccnetricity  to zero

Sunday, October 18, 2020

WK 13

 According to the plan .. its  a rest week.

Going to give the elliptical a spin.. hopefully an hour a day...

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Monthly Reflection - Month 1

Initially your goals bring energy to you and as you make progress, your energy improves. For the last 4 weeks, I was doing cardio twice, upper and lower body for 4 days of the week and walking on the alternate days. 2-3 months of weekend inactivity has taken a hit on fitness. Today's surge in energy has made me take on more. Good chance to insert core workout and some abs workout. With the abs, I could feel it.

Probably I will add the abs workout to everyday's especially when that day's workout is in the 24min timeframe. 

Its been a month since I came across The fitgurl Total Body Turnaround program. Since then, I have been watching my macros. For a long time now, I have been fitnessie. Sometimes, alesson that comes across sharply is the need for intensity which Jillian Michaels identifies as one of the four tenets in her The 6 keys to unlock your genetic potential for Ageless Strength, Health and Beauty.

Of the four tenets, Intensity, progession/variety, recovery and consistency, adding one extra like intensity with 60 min elliptical workout compare to 30 min has worked wonders for me. I had consistency pat down before that. But during the pandemic, weekend consistency wasnt there. But now I  am in a place where I can bring the energy required.

Success doesn't come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently. - Marie Forleo

Knowing when your consistency is dropping down is the key.

A Stanford study identified the top four reasons for weight loss goals as being kids role model, lifestyle, health and clothes. Antony Lolli is a raw story where he wanted to be healthy and enjoy family time. Brittany has to run, its doctors order - meaning for health issues. Unsupersize me in Cuba opens whole new world for Ridiel. 

I have heard some stories of people who went into fitness competitions or went on to become fitness instructors, because they wanted to change and be role models for their kids. Clothes fitting well is a bonus.

What makes us go on this journey? There is an innate desire to be able to do something that you are not able to now. For example, a pull up. When skies open up, you are exhilarated to keep going on. When its cloudy you make your own sun and energy with all the emotional, mental and physical prep. Its not always about adding things, sometimes its weeding out bad foods, habits and beliefs. 

Consistency is the soil. Intensity is the water. Nutritious food is the rain maker. 

There will be hurdles. Jumping over them hurdles and continuing to run makes you stronger. 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Volte face workout

I thought I was getting into the pattern of 10-15 elliptical and then 20-30 min stregnth training. Surprise, Surprise, I wanted to do The perfect Total Body workout. Started off well with the lunge warmups in different planes and then when i went to squat, I could feel the strain in the back of the upper arm. Reduced weight, still the same feeling. Thats it for strength training. Its recovery time. Who do you call, in times like these? Shaun T with 8-Minute Flat-Abs Workout was a good change. While waiting for the next exercise to start, I was using bridge as my neutral waiitng posiiton. After that. Then it was this 10 Minute Standing ABS WORKOUT // No Equipment. Liked it with the music. I could feel that I was doing an exercise with impact. I was sweating and feeling the heat. This repeated but I was into it and didnt mind it one bit. Loved the standing pike exercise. Even in Shaun Ts the first exercise takes you from bridge to pike laying down. Its the reverse of  another of his pike pushup where you are on your all fours. Shaun T's exercise had some chair exercises which were fun and you could feel the core. Great workout all in all.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Value based goal reaching - Authenticity

Our values can determine how we reach our goals.

 Authenticity as your guide can lead you towards intuitive eating. Developing authenticity, can lead to acceptance and self-compassion. Authenticity is not a starting point. It is when you get somewhere closer to your true self, through the journey. Having found that true self, it will get easier to find people who you gel with, whose struggles you can understand, empathise with and relate to and offer support. If you get comfortable and open yourself to receive support and motivation from others, you will be off to a great start in reaching your goals.

You need a good milepoint that you can reach for the beginner's high to stretch a bit further when you start. Like Maya, you can find you inner warrior, but first you have to deal with the demons and myths weighing you down.

Setting the goal is not the hard part. We already have our goals in mind. Its saying it loud and confidently that we want it and it can happen. Own the goal, before you can get it. 

In this story, she wanted to be the 'fitness girl'.

In reaching your goals

Lessons from Maya:

Is there someone to push you?

Imagine, someone like Shaun T rallying yout to push and dig deeper.

Are you excited?

If not, find that route. Find out the bus number.

When someone acknowledges that your achievement ( reducing body fat percentage in this case) doesnt come easy, it is motivating to keep going on. You need that cheer leader on your bus.

Identifying discrepancies between your adaptive self and authentic self can develop authenticity. If you find that you are not as consistent as you would like to be, look at the million data points, consistency can be downgraded to 50-70% to still see results. Looking deeper at this distance between your 'belief' eg. I am a fitness person and 'action' I workout consistently, you can see where the dial should go.

In various stages of life, your priorities are on a lazy susan. There was a time when on that movement dial,

I was a 9 - working on the elliptical an hour a day, each day for a whole year

I had to dial it down to 7 - when I was maintaining weight.

Pre-pandemic I was at a 4

But looking at the effect of change in lifestyle, I have dialed it to 5 now.

Through all of this journey, at the core, I am person who enjoys exercise, fitness and now I am trying to be more mindful about the macros. It is good to unleash yourself in different dial positions.

My authenticity take - I was blind to macros and thought that cutting down food would do, another mindset problem I had as a cardio first person was to move to weight training which I have done successfully over the last two years but had great hesitation in focusing on the food. My friends who have followed Taub's or the low carb and intermittent fasting would say how 80% of weight loss is chalked to food, I wanted my way to work. I had to realise that it didnt. It has always been about the 'how-to'. That extra knowledge.

Seeing the sheet where people write down how satiated they were after each meal or even Maya paying attention to what she is eating is akin to meditation, being aware of yourself in relation to the food you take.

All these ups and downs can be taken as a good gauge of self care, to keep our body and mind in balance.