
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Value based goal reaching - Authenticity

Our values can determine how we reach our goals.

 Authenticity as your guide can lead you towards intuitive eating. Developing authenticity, can lead to acceptance and self-compassion. Authenticity is not a starting point. It is when you get somewhere closer to your true self, through the journey. Having found that true self, it will get easier to find people who you gel with, whose struggles you can understand, empathise with and relate to and offer support. If you get comfortable and open yourself to receive support and motivation from others, you will be off to a great start in reaching your goals.

You need a good milepoint that you can reach for the beginner's high to stretch a bit further when you start. Like Maya, you can find you inner warrior, but first you have to deal with the demons and myths weighing you down.

Setting the goal is not the hard part. We already have our goals in mind. Its saying it loud and confidently that we want it and it can happen. Own the goal, before you can get it. 

In this story, she wanted to be the 'fitness girl'.

In reaching your goals

Lessons from Maya:

Is there someone to push you?

Imagine, someone like Shaun T rallying yout to push and dig deeper.

Are you excited?

If not, find that route. Find out the bus number.

When someone acknowledges that your achievement ( reducing body fat percentage in this case) doesnt come easy, it is motivating to keep going on. You need that cheer leader on your bus.

Identifying discrepancies between your adaptive self and authentic self can develop authenticity. If you find that you are not as consistent as you would like to be, look at the million data points, consistency can be downgraded to 50-70% to still see results. Looking deeper at this distance between your 'belief' eg. I am a fitness person and 'action' I workout consistently, you can see where the dial should go.

In various stages of life, your priorities are on a lazy susan. There was a time when on that movement dial,

I was a 9 - working on the elliptical an hour a day, each day for a whole year

I had to dial it down to 7 - when I was maintaining weight.

Pre-pandemic I was at a 4

But looking at the effect of change in lifestyle, I have dialed it to 5 now.

Through all of this journey, at the core, I am person who enjoys exercise, fitness and now I am trying to be more mindful about the macros. It is good to unleash yourself in different dial positions.

My authenticity take - I was blind to macros and thought that cutting down food would do, another mindset problem I had as a cardio first person was to move to weight training which I have done successfully over the last two years but had great hesitation in focusing on the food. My friends who have followed Taub's or the low carb and intermittent fasting would say how 80% of weight loss is chalked to food, I wanted my way to work. I had to realise that it didnt. It has always been about the 'how-to'. That extra knowledge.

Seeing the sheet where people write down how satiated they were after each meal or even Maya paying attention to what she is eating is akin to meditation, being aware of yourself in relation to the food you take.

All these ups and downs can be taken as a good gauge of self care, to keep our body and mind in balance.

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