
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Monthly Reflection - Month 1

Initially your goals bring energy to you and as you make progress, your energy improves. For the last 4 weeks, I was doing cardio twice, upper and lower body for 4 days of the week and walking on the alternate days. 2-3 months of weekend inactivity has taken a hit on fitness. Today's surge in energy has made me take on more. Good chance to insert core workout and some abs workout. With the abs, I could feel it.

Probably I will add the abs workout to everyday's especially when that day's workout is in the 24min timeframe. 

Its been a month since I came across The fitgurl Total Body Turnaround program. Since then, I have been watching my macros. For a long time now, I have been fitnessie. Sometimes, alesson that comes across sharply is the need for intensity which Jillian Michaels identifies as one of the four tenets in her The 6 keys to unlock your genetic potential for Ageless Strength, Health and Beauty.

Of the four tenets, Intensity, progession/variety, recovery and consistency, adding one extra like intensity with 60 min elliptical workout compare to 30 min has worked wonders for me. I had consistency pat down before that. But during the pandemic, weekend consistency wasnt there. But now I  am in a place where I can bring the energy required.

Success doesn't come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently. - Marie Forleo

Knowing when your consistency is dropping down is the key.

A Stanford study identified the top four reasons for weight loss goals as being kids role model, lifestyle, health and clothes. Antony Lolli is a raw story where he wanted to be healthy and enjoy family time. Brittany has to run, its doctors order - meaning for health issues. Unsupersize me in Cuba opens whole new world for Ridiel. 

I have heard some stories of people who went into fitness competitions or went on to become fitness instructors, because they wanted to change and be role models for their kids. Clothes fitting well is a bonus.

What makes us go on this journey? There is an innate desire to be able to do something that you are not able to now. For example, a pull up. When skies open up, you are exhilarated to keep going on. When its cloudy you make your own sun and energy with all the emotional, mental and physical prep. Its not always about adding things, sometimes its weeding out bad foods, habits and beliefs. 

Consistency is the soil. Intensity is the water. Nutritious food is the rain maker. 

There will be hurdles. Jumping over them hurdles and continuing to run makes you stronger. 

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