
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Weekly reflection - WK4

This week's reflection is about how weight creeps. Put otherway how consistency leaks.

Circumstances do not make the man, they reveal him  - James Allen 

I didnt react quick enough for the tide.

I weigh myself everyday. I know it should not be done everyday but I am in a place where daily movements do not effect as much as the need to know that things are on track due to the history of adolescent obesity.

I chalked my pandemic weight gain to difference in lifestyle and flipped all switches - exercise first, movement first and need based relaxation. I was surprised how from good process of lowest weight last October in the last 2-3 years, it kept creeping up. Even January end, it was all downward trajectory. Sedentary weekends and stress in February -March timeframe, hit it hard. Pandemic only overstressed that system and the turbines came off the belt, which was a wake up call.

Even though our diet and activity might be under control, external factors like stress and change in lifestyle can affect the weight surreptitously. Monitors will help but we should be on the lookout for changing. Looking at the activty tracker, weekends were all quiet during the weekend which adds up to double whammy with both activit and calories taking the opposite undesired direction.

Body can withstand a binge eating week without many long term effects.

Any consistent unintential trend beyond a week should be a red flag. There are always things that can be improved to stop the rapid weight gain.

I have also started reducing protein to see if I am overdoing it and also to stretch the protein supplement further. The process keeps getting finetuned.


VBGR - Value based Goal Reaching

This also made me wonder how each one's goal reaching journey could be different based on their values. Here's how a  VBGR Authenticity would look like compared to VBGR Achievement. This could be worked further to find the kind of values from your supporters. Beliefs like self-efficacy too can propel your journeys. This is different from the framework where there is tightness between the value of your goal and your belief

In terms of exercise, if the workouts are shorter, I am adding short 10 min workouts to them so they are closer to 30min.

I went to my diary and jotted down goals with 1.3lb/week weight loss. These are superimposed on the goals of a 15 year old journey when every new day was lighter me. At that time I didnt check my body fat percentage or care about good nutrition. This time they are on my side. In that sense its a healthier new journey.

WK 38 is the magical final goal. 

Here is last week's WK3 reflection.

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