May be the first date is a blind date where you have been paired with a gym activity - as a kid, I was asked to do jump rope/yoga or something that you have been wanting to do for a while like kickboxing.
How long should the first date be? You can start off with 10 min and then build it to 20 min, 30 min.
Power through. I have done many exercise videos on Popsugar fitness, that introduced me to Christa Di paolo, Muay thai (I love thai food, looks like your favorite cuisine is a clue to the exercise that you might like).
Like 50 first dates, if you can bring on situational amnesia around your gym time, you can do 60 days of insanity
p90x of 90 days can get you to the big shiny century.
100 days of Love is a milestone. Celebrate your 100 days of gym love.
Soon you will find that your love for fitness is everlasting if you make everyday, Groundhogs Day.
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