
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Why don't I have motivation for exercising? It's very frustrating. Do I have to push myself?

The Intrinsic Exerciser: Discovering the Joy of Exercise

 To become an intrinsic exerciser, who loves to do exercise for the sake of exercise, Jay Kimiecik says that you have to find personal meaning orientation, mastery, inner synergy and flow with exercise.

Personal Meaning

I believe that when we attach our values to our attempts, then we reach our goals better. I identify with athleticism and warrior strength with exercise.


Every time a notice that I am either able to go for heavier weights or notice some exercise get easier because of increased upper body strength from the workouts, I am pumped to continue.

Inner Synergy

Exercise has positive effects on all the different physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects of my life. I am inspired by the exercise gurus I follow - Tony Horton, Shaun T, Jillian Michaels, Sydney Cummings and many others. Motivated by exercise buddies. I can feel the energy from the core workouts in my walk. Others notice it and wonder how I walk so fast. When you are trying to do Kenpo, its a mental test. Walking in nature always gets thoughts running in spiritual plane.

This is how I find flow in exercise.

I hope you too will find such a meaning in exercise and be able to inspire others with your story.

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