
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, January 28, 2024

4 minutes past midnight

 This is a Japanese book that I have just started reading. I am using Basic Japanese and Reading Writing Chinese book (which I bought on my trip to Shanghai in 2006). 

Tobira is class 5

Japanese class 1

Chinese class I regular

Moving into Nekodensha picture book

how to use yoru

realising there is small letters.

After starting to learn to write and read Japanese, I am learning a lot about the culture too. A friend referred to the gender difference in Japanese language.

I am also learning the value of English words, to pause and choose apt words.

In my high school, I translated a Hindi idiom into an English homework. Lets see if that portends anything. Learning a language through translation is probably presumptuous but I want to learn different languages to understand how they mould poetry out of constraints. Jhumpa Lahiri said that she started thinking and writing in Italian at age 40+. There's hope people, for all the foreign languages that are waiting to be learned.

eg - Sanskrit poetry

Ghazal to get the language's richness.

A Latin poem showed me its musicality

SO many things to learn. Its easy to get overwhelmed. One thing to remember is, there is not enough time to do everything but there is enough time to do something. When all of our something is combined, then its amazing --  

'Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.'- Bill Gates

A friend asked how I was going to expose myself to the spoken language. For now I plan to visit local Japanese store.

The other day I was thinking of what do you say - how is it going? and my brain answered ca va... Brain really likes questions.

As I look at company logos in daily articles, I comprehend more of the letters in the names. Nomura, Volkswagen

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