
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, February 3, 2018

America in the Twenties: A History

This is the first history book that got me laughing.. now is it the events or the writer? Every decade should have such a book on it, but it might not be this interesting. So many things happened in the time being referred to .. some unthinkable.All the interesting things have been caught right in their element. Getting the essence of big events in small chapters, really worked. What I like about this book is that there's a very human aspect to the events.. that later are remembered as major things or history.
I refer to things like the mention of exact revelatory moment, that caused Margaret Sanger to work towards birth control movement. The chapter 'Help!' on Ford is as good as it can get.
'Crosswords' is my favorite as it is on writers.
With so many different subjects.. its like fruits and nuts in the cereal of history..
The Denver Post is right in saying.."You wont put this down.." about this book.

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