
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Tomorrow is walking day

 I just found my book where I lost weight about 15 years ago. I found another book earlier which was very close to my ideal goal. This first precursor to that journey starts at my prepandemic weight. To get there I need to show a patience of a week or two and then I take a retravel of that journey.

For the first time, as I kept reaching my goals, it was unbelievable each time. 

At that time, since I was young, it didnt matter I was having white mocha. This time around, I am making it healthy.

There is a Personal weight loss plan course on coursera.

You begin with your SMART short and long term goals of weight loss.
For your action, you choose the plate from the

It lists all the types of food and quantities you should hit each day to meet your calorie and macro goals.

As a teenager, when a dietitician provided me with 5 or 6 options for each meal, it was too overwhelming. Now most of the time its the same food that I eat for weeks together and then there's a switch. 

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