
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Squat and a Kick

Anything that increases the awareness of what you are eating is likely beneficial

Know your food.

I have my hands on Foods that harm, foods that heal from Readers digest. It is two tips from readers digest that changed my life during undergrad. One, that even walking helps in weight loss and two that you can control your appetite.

The book talks not just about food but cures for some common conditions. There are some case studies too which show how for example how increasing awareness of food by going greocery shopping for fresh produce in a community program made him healthier.

We will be cooking Asparagus sometime this week. The first I ever heard of asparagus is in the The Luncheon by Somerset Maugham. I hope Benjamin Franklin with gout knew to stay away from Asparagus.

Katie Austin daughter of Denise Austin, shows a squat and a kick move in the end. The reason to preface this section with so much food is the ratio of importance of diet compared to activity.

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