
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Monday, February 15, 2021

If I could ask for world knowledge organization ...

 Sometimes for example, yesterday I came across Tsimane in a tweet.. and I wanted to know more about them.. I had to stitch a coherent idea about them.. looking up, wiki and so on.. A magic wand could pull all these sources into one article.

I was reading about ROI of groceries from 1950s and I wanted to see the trend.. but some graph had ROE. I was able to find last years and 2013s.

As an MBA student, I feel that .. paragraphs with numbers could be translated to graphs.. This is probably available with NLP..

But in the large scheme.. its how the ideas are related.

Personally I am interested in how people get creative and innovative. What of the forces then, made those discoveries possible. If there is a timeline of things what happened uptil then.. and what could happen only in the future, waiting for some things to happen. Especially parallel discoveries.

A traverse graph from idea to another.. that can collapse or expand sources – based on the topic of interest.

In the second art work by this artist

There are many layers to it. They are laid on each other to create a final different composition. But each in itself a different color to is a painting. So if we had the whole knowledge trove, if we could separate them into distinct planes with their own theme.


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