
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, June 24, 2023

AI and Law

AI and Law 

Regulating Artificial Intelligence Systems

The General Control Problem referred to in Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom

Tough to define AI

A definition of intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach


discrete like automobile

Matthew Scherrer offers these ideas for regulation -

certification for tort liability and without certification -- strict liability

Regulation in R & D phase vs incentives for safe AI being followed

1. Opacity could be reduced either directly by legislation requiring publication of the code and specifications of AI systems offered for commercial sale, or indirectly through tax incentives or tort standards that limit the liability of companies that make their AI systems more transparent. 

"gradual abolition of common law crimes in favor of penal codes" - The modern common law of crime

Europe AI act

google counsel Halima

     Gonzalez vs Google

    Twitter vs Taamneh

              Sekhar vs United States

Australia law and fines regarding social media

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