
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, September 27, 2020

WK 10

 Day 1


WK10 - Day 1 - Another chest & Triceps workout with Sydney Cummings. Lets push it to 40 min, if we are going to take rest days when needed.

Very creative. Using one arm as the marker to reach the other arm with weight.wide and close.

Day 2 9/28

Legs workout with HASfit.

Loved this especially for the creative single side raises, frog raises, calve raises. Heart rate too went way high for strength taining.

Day 3 9/29

Back & Biceps with Sydney Cummings

Wonderful slide/side curls. Could feel it in the arms, halfway.

Day 4 9/30

Sydney's legs workout

Day 5 10/1

Shoulder & Abs workout with Sydney Cummings


Core workout - 

Core workouts in the remaining 2 days of the week.

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