
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Weekly reflection 10

"The choices facing leaders in setting strategy, deploying capital, building capabilities, optimizing execution, and creating a winning team are dynamic and complex and offer greater risks and returns"  

- Rich Lesser, CEO, BCG in Foreword of Beyond Great: : Nine Strategies for Thriving in an Era of Social Tension, Economic Nationalism, and Technological Revolution

Staying fit too involves these choices.

1. Setting Strategy 

   Calories in, Calories out. Exercise, diet or both. Cardio or Strength training or both. There are so many choices. Without reaching impatience for results fatigue, if you can try out which is sustainable for you in the long run, you will enjoy the process of experimenting

2. Deploying Capital

You might chose to spend some money on gym, euipment, motivating active wear or all of them. You might go in the other direction and say, I can do it lean and get creative that way by doing home workouts with bodyweight. Other capital are time and willpower or motivation.

3. Building Capabilities

Sometimes more tougher moves need you to be in a certain shape. for example you need preparation for pullups, which might take about a month. Depending on your starting fitness, you might not be able to run as much longer or faster as you want to. But you can build up to it - miles, endurance, strength, pace - whatever your marker is.

4. Optimization Execution

This ties back to setting strategy and experimentation. Along the way, you will find some small hacks that make your journey lot more fun of just figuring out those hacks. Maybe its a tip like - get your protein in first or modifications that you have to do to your exercises to get stronger faster. Most of all, you get very mindful by being alert and alive in this process that everything seems under your control. That means you see the ship moving 6 degrees away and know how to reign it in.

5. Winning Team

Who is your winning team? You the leader are a big part of it, but your friends, family, community whoever is out there helping you. Remember when you enlist the village, you are having an impact on your team too, who are as much spirited as you from your results. Have you seen how brisker your walk gets when you have company, each pushign the other and what of the social interaction especially during these covid times.

6. Risks and Returns

Be safe. be mindful of injuries. Take it step by step. When you can help out others too. Have you heard of Hawkins County artist Kim Ward's daily Highway Hula dance, which she does to inspire others to be active?

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