
Net Galley Challenge

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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Headstrong: 52 Women Who Changed Science-and the World

Image Courtesy: Amazon

Headstrong: 52 Women Who Changed Science-and the World 

In the introduction. author Rachel Swaby calls for correcting cues given to girls at a young age about what theey're good at and what they're supposed to like.

Mary Jacobi Putnami removed barriers for woman in pursuit of science by disproving Clarke's thesis.

Anne Williams watching her sister's struggles with childbirth motivated her to learn science. You could call Anne the journalist of life, as she was interestd in "find(ing) out the what, why, when and where and how of the mysteries of life".

Alice Ball thinned a liquid and used catalysts, so an oil medicine could be absorbed by the body.

Gerty Cori

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