
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Lessons from Antitoxin for Diptheria

                                             Image Courtesy:

In Headstrong-52 women who changed science, Rachel Swaby explained how in the above mentioned procedure of developing the anti-toxin, a toxin is needed. They were having troubles in getting the toxin starter had a low yield.

It uses a solution mechanism already present in the nature.

Under the William H. Park's guidance, Anna Wessels Williams worked to produce a TAT . The hybrid of Toxin and Antitoxin is interesting. "The resulting mixture contained enough toxins to spur the body into creating its own defensive antibodies, but also enough antitoxin to protect the body while it developed those defenses."

In 2017, Safer antitoxin made with cell culture.

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