
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Love and Belonging

I started reading more about Brene Brown, after looking at the book Daring Greatly. what better than a speech to judge an author, if delving into an author's work is worth it? (nah, pure curiosity). Then I saw the TED talk on vulnerability.

Somethings spoke to me. while the topic of connection came, I wondered if yesterday I went to volunteer at the VEX competition to be a judge, to connect with the rest. Today it being Sunday, my head is struggling to understand that today is Sunday and tomorrow is work. Many people on Twitter this week, thought there should be a day between saturday and sunday. You wont get it until you have a name for it. The best I came up with is gymday. I knwo what you are thinking.. days of the week.. gymday, gymday, gymday (Tom Hanks.. Monday, Tuesday... from the Iching  Godfather).

Brene's personality is great, so in tne with the audience. Those spurts of life on her face.

Two places where I felt she was spot on.

"when you ask people about love, they tell you about heartbreak. When you ask people about belonging, they'll tell you their most excruciating experiences of being excluded. And when you ask people about connection, the stories they told me were about disconnection. " - Brene Brown

Check it out next time if this is true, that when you ask something, then they talk about the opposite. Well may be true, they might be the smart ones who know statistics and disproving by proving the opposite.

 "And I know that vulnerability is the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness, but it appears that it's also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love." - Brene Brown

Being a writer is all about rejection. Axiom. 

I watched Brittany runs a marathon (true-story), and two things that I took away mainly.

One, I liked Bridget Jones Diary,  not just for the serious Colin Firth but also the Bridget who spins on the bike before it was cool to until she drops. 

The other, I didnt know why Brittany acts weird when she is at the birthday party We judge people in areas where we’re vulnerable to shame now makes it clear.

The minor points, the belief or the disbelief that you dont set a goal until you know it is possible, the struggle if the punds will come back.

Raising children who are hopeful and who have the courage to be vulnerable means stepping back and letting them experience disappointment, deal with conflict, learn how to assert themselves, and have the opportunity to fail.

(Sometimes when I hear people do things that I have never done, I ask them of their bizarre experiences. one event manager told me about an event at a high altitude place where attendees complained of headaches. the student paramed there would phone in so many cases and each had to be reported, which bet the state average.)

Back to our story, a weird thing happened in another volunteering event where I took my child. There was another child there who seemed to have gotten the whole volunteering thing pat down and told the kids what needed to be done for the salt painting. Mine came alive at the station with monitor, corn snake, desert tortoise. Somewhere along she won a cheetos packet and dared to eat those while working. She was immediatel told to put those away. I didnt say anything but I hope it was an opportunity for her to see the real world. That day she kept asking when it would be time to leave, I kept reminding her that she was there to volunteer, to which she made it clear that I was and she wasnt. But I think it was a great learning (lesson vs learning, mistake/failure vs experience. Literature has a bigger struggle dealing with colloquy, stopping the misappropriatiion of words). Does anyone like teachable moment? Personally, if they are not so identified :)

(In all of this wierdery, we didnt get the promised shirts and I didnt ask for them too as we might have not been upto the mark, but hey who remembers where all we volunteered if not for the shirts. But this time, we got a little thank you which was in a nice white bag with turquoise decoration paper and the lesson giver was a little miffed that she didnt receive one.)

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