
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rhyme and humor

Wood Speed Bottle Opener, Bartender Bottle Opener (Beer Season)

This is a very simple formula for making humor with rhyme.

List all the things you like one side and all the popular sayings on the other. Now see if there are any words that rhyme that you can replace in the popular sayings.

Oh wait, I have to check the spelling bee results for CDNORTU where C is the mandatory letter. What is amazing is, even though I have given up on finding the words for the day, the brain still keeps workign on those. My hisband(sic) hears some wierd words said aloud and then something about spelling bee.So yesterday we got 18 words + cordon +  croon.
Missed so many - Conductor, Nonconductor, coconut (ah! said it so many times yesterday in relation to skyr flavor), Concoct (I am gonna have to use tissue now, not to wipe ears, but to write it out, looks like the whole I will work it out in my head is only half working out, left brain right brain), How can a person who gets condor not get condo, conduct, contort, contour, cutout (I was staring at the cutouts in the carboard packaging of sky yesterday and still.. ), occur (I was thinking succor but not the rhyming occur), rococo

What is Codon?

Not in a mood for humor anymore.

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