
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ciao Italia

Ciao Italia

I havent seen a cheese knife in action before. As soon as I saw this knife being used, I looked it up and found that it is also called a tomato knife. Do you prefer to cut the tomatoes stable side down or the unstable one? Usually in all the food shows, chefs lay the stable side down but for the tomato, because of its slippery skin, its hard to get the knife through. So I use the reverse side as I saw another friend cut it, long time ago. Thsi almost seems like the bigendian or the smallendian question.
Anyways, Mary Ann Esposito goes on to give the history of this knife as also called as angel bread knife ie it is used to cut soft foods. Mary Ann has a great way of connecting stories of how the Sabadas are pastries had by shepherds as they are participating in transhumanza.

She has a tea pot that looks like a rooster. Tea pots seem to be like souvenir spoons. Imgaine tea pots with world map and one in the shape of Eiffel tower.

She even showed how to use a herb chopper to chop mint.

Great stroy telling, sharing heritage and culture and documenting it for the future to pass on. great humility. The sabadas and their presentation turned out great too.

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