
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Nature of Home: Taking Root in a Place

This book for one, will finally have you run for a field guide to birds. What with the mention of the different kinds of birds, the author comes across in different places. When you read something like 'Canada geese urge on fluffy yellow goslings that look nothing like their black and white parents', you cannot but help to want to know more about them. With the author moving from one place to another, not only is she finding her ultimate place, but also fixing the geography of birds. This for the bird lovers.

If you can handle more serious stuff, theres history of waste management interfering with water management requiring water treatment. Water is another major theme in this book.

The only way that I could do justice to this book as a reader was to follow the places on google maps.

The author's message about nature, its preservation, knowing local history of the vast resources comes across very strongly.

Its surprising to see adventures of mountain climbing and glissading along with the Erin Brockovichy work.

Some best chapters are on June Lake, CA and the chapter introducing Whatcom and Bellingham. Towards the end it slightly got difficult to read for me.

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