
Net Galley Challenge

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Saturday, February 3, 2018

In the Womb: Animals

In the Womb: Animals by Michael Sims

Recently I heard that French bull dogs give birth by caesarian. I found that very surprising. Naturally, this book `In the Womb Animals' caught my attention, open to all the strange things that might be in the animal kingdom.

The author chose dog, dolphin and elephant and compared the time and stages of phases of development, from the beginning to where the offspring can stand on its own. He says that if all the considered babies were to start at the same time, then by the time an elephant baby sees the light of the day, puppy junior could soon be a mother.

Interlaced in these kinds of interesting facts, the author very comfortably pulls the information flow to different abstractions, talking at cell level one time, comparing minority mammals in their nurturing habits and so on.

The strangest thing I read was that Dolphins descended from land animals, and elephants from marine animals. There is even a picture of the terrestrial ancestor of dolphin. Pictures are the quick attraction of this book.

All along, there is a reference to the changes in the species due to evolution, which almost takes a powerhouse form - it should know, where the world is headed.

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