
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant
Showing posts with label dream fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream fiction. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Chasen

Twice, we were driving on the wrong side of the road.
Being chased by a wily smiled guy.
There were two kids a boy and a girl, suddenly they were ours. we told them to run.
They opened a door. It was palatial inside. At every level of the building at the staircase landing was a person being taken care of. We were safe underground.
Assimilated in the new culture.
We went out to a fair. After an event, when the porch of a store cleared, there they were the wily guy in a wheelchair this time and his aide. As soon as I recognized him, we pushed a bundle of sticks, which fell on them in a rectangle pattern. With each push of sticks, their grave grew stronger.
The aide creeped away. The vision got foggy. I was screaming that the other one is getting away. You were gone too.