
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, June 2, 2024

A biosphere of robots

A human walks into a robot bar. The robots have a lot of interruptions and their exit options of the algorithm are all fast closing. 

The board outside the heavy wooden door says Active. Crete pushed the door and realised a tiny robot that looked an eye jumped back in surprise. 

"I am sorry"

I am left eye. Another robot speedwalked and bonded with the left eye.

They call em "right eye"

We are the vision duo.

You look tired. The first one is on the house.

There's a rush of robowaiters but oddly not one table is manned. There is food on the table, some just served and some like a harvester went through it. Seems odd that there's food leftovers but no one in sight.

The eyes read Crete mind. To ease him, "Oh that, thats our simulation 5.0 where we mock a full restaurant".

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