
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Monday, January 10, 2022

How do I love my fat self?

 It starts with you. When you love your self, then you are able to extend that to others.

You are not just your body or appearance. You are all the talents that you bring to the world, your care, kind and happiness.

Start from your vantage point. I was good at studies growing up. That was enough to be appreciated by others. Later on when I got fitter, it increased my self-efficacy even more.

Come to it from the point of your values. What do you value in self and others? For me its about hardwork and doing the best I can in making things better for me and others around me. During different stages in time, this will look different. When I was growing up, I focused on studies. When I had time, I walked a lot and understood myself more through activities that interested me. Sometimes its volunteering.

Explore yourself.

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