
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Monday, October 25, 2021


 Prompt from Set 1 - 3. Try a new short form. Look up how to write an Elevenie, a Haibun, or a Naani.


Binds the oleander stump and the tiny Dolly Parton roses together

transfixed in the mind (of the poet)

Now, the flowers have dried

Who is the souvenir of whose beauty


 I was attracted to the beauty of a stump, doing hastha uttanasana pose of the sun salutation. Craning its neck, bent out, soaring into the sky, while the rose behind grounds you.


Leaves begin sessile

Dainty stems of rose

Thick stump of oleander





75 - Starbucks China Parent Care Program

The Big Book

The strategic insight is that other people’s actions tell us something about what they know and we should use such information to guide our own action – Thinking Strategically, avinash Dixit.

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