
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, October 31, 2021

How do some people find fitness easy while others find it hard?

When I was a high school kid beginning to gain weight, my dad used to ask me to join his yoga session. What I didnt realise was it was him slowing down from his exercise regimen of running and other exercises, so I could get interested in working out.

I never complained about walking, that came easy to me. Seeing my dad exercise regularly always inspires me. He shares how he maintains his regular workout. He makes it his priority and misses it if he cant do the exercise as planned.

I got some of my exercise views from him. It has now become a habit as he refers to as ‘like brushing everyday’. I enjoy exercise. I love to challenge myself with exercises. Sometimes looking at some exercise videos, I am inspired to try out and see how much of it can I do.

To keep continuously doing exercises, if we see changes in strength in our body or stamina, we get more inspired to continue doing the good work.

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