
Net Galley Challenge

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Sunday, March 7, 2021

A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence


A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins

Cricks DNA essay that inspired Jeff.

What might have happened in the involuntary coffee drinking case is that the old brain figured the coffee color pattern and recognised the happy Pavlov signals but didnt involve the neocortex in this system? Cravings and neocortex.

The Mindful Brain by George Edelman and Vernon Mountcastle

"To predict the next note, you can't just look at the previous note or the previous five notes. the correct prediction may rely on notes that occured a long time ago. Neurons have to figure out how much context is necessary to make the right prediction." 
A context is that length of pattern matching needed to get settle into a new mode.

One Thanksgiving, when having good time with friends and talking over a cup of tea, it muight be warm snuggy feelings, that I forgot that I was holding the cup and it kept tilting until my friends reminded me of that. My brain prediction might have been overridden with the feel good feelings.

"The longer you work on a problem, the more constraints you discover and the harder it becomes to imagine a solution. .. The likelihood  that a solution is correct increases exponentially with the number of constraints it satisfies."
The author says its like solving a crossword puzzle.

Reading of animals, that can tell where they are with respect to its environment, I was reminded of a bird.

I had to get all the clothes out from the washing machine into the dryer. Kids socks were too small and away from reach. I had a wine opener on the side, which I used to get them all out. Thinking of the smart crows and ravens, they know how to extend their body abilities. For example, the wine opener made my arms magically long. The stool makes us have long legs instantaneously. To know that solves the problem and being able to get that into action.

"Neurons take the same amount of time to search through a thousand maps as to search through one"

"thinking is actually moving through a space, through a reference frame"

"being an expert is mostly about finding a good reference frame to arrange facts and observations" 

 "Knowledge in the brain is distributed"
AI - knowledge representation, embodiment of language.

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