
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Gravity Inside Us: Poetry and Prose


The Gravity Inside Us: Poetry and Prose by Chloe Frayne

Humans can sense magnetic fields.
Theres something that starts inert but ignites.
"Stop holding your humanity like a failure" becomes so powerful when you can externalise your condition.
Hope, Courage, Dream.
There's diametric feelings in the same poem. The certain setting sun Vs those who have not fallen into place. softness vs strength.
A good poet will convince you to go on their journey and make you feel what they feel. With minimalist lines, you still follow the poet to big feelings.
Earth when moving is fickle and stable when it stands still.
Trying to forget loves, still hoping that the virtue melts the disheartened.
Without titles, theres a run along feeling of no demarcations from one poem to another, from one feeling to another..

With April right around the corner, here's my prompts:
1. When you like some good imagination like the " I want to be a field of wild flowers.." add or remove the "I want to be" to see its effect on you.
2. "If a mind is a museum.."
3. "I lost but remained". Nice unpunning.
4. "Still me". Even after love gone sour. Could this be a beginning for your poem?
5. "Fear is not a second language". What if fear is a second language? Like you are not doing it right.

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