
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Life Skills


Life Skills by Keilly Swift

This book teaches important things in an interesting way.
With COVID, kids ar ebeing exposed to problems earlier than usual. Disengagement from school because of online studies, no in-person interactin with friends is showing its effects.
This is a timely book for this age group.
I have decided to talk about a concept each week at the meals table. Today we started with decisions. We shared some examples of how some problems keep coming up, even if they are solved. For example, a bike pedal keeps coming off.
We learnt a problem solving skill from a friend. when her bike fell due to wind thrice, the front wire connector got dislaodged. Smart friend looked at the back of the bike for the same connection, and realised how it should be in the front.
TIP: Look at something thats working, to know how to fix the broken one.
Kids learn best with stories. We just read The veggie patch bandits. Wiht the story fresh in our mind, we realised we had one more example in the story where Mr. Bagban tries to sovle a problem many times. He thinks its solved but it keeps rearing its head like a hydra.

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