
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Friday, April 3, 2020

This is getting serious

In finishing up an assignment mode I skipped a day of 100 burpees. Day 3, I did 70 burpees only. Cant remember the reason, why I stopped there. I did realise, all exercise is a matter of getting to comfortable counting too and breathing too, because you slow down and focus on it.
I started researching if 10000 burpees can be done?
Well, the world record holder did it in 48 hours.
The lesson from his is to do it in sets of 250.

Other people who have taken up the challenge have either extended the time to say 10000 burpees in a year
or 1000 in a month.

If I were to do it in a month, I have to extend my current 100 to 300 in a day.

Jeff Haden has a good article about 5000 pushups. How the set size keeps decreasing and the rest time keeps increasing when you do them all at once. Over a long period of time, he did 100000 pushups. you read it right.

Another improvement that you see over time is that you are able to do more eahc day in the same time.

All good things right.

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