
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020, Chew your food atleast 20-40 times

I have been told this as a child. Even in the recent year, I have been reminded of this. In Drink your food, Chew your water, Madhavan talks about his visit to Vivamayr, where he was asked to chew spelt bread and focus on it.

Other things already known,

to not drink water with food,

But its so hard to not do this. Water comes as a quick solution to mind when you want to wash down that sticky egg. With practice, and chewing it down to water, you shouldnt need to have that water. Two-pronged approachPair strategies to make your ideal situation work. If the approaches are complementary, meaning one is the way of accentuating your good habit and the other is the way of dissuading the bad habit then you have a win win. Now once you know that you cant have water 30 min before or after meal, you have another urgency to have water within the 3 hour window of your next meal.

to sleep early and eat early.

These are interrelated too. A small logic class. You have to eat by 6pm. You have to eat your dinner atleast 3 hours before sleep. By eating early, you ste yourself up for a good time gap before you sleep. It helps me to have a light lunch to have an early dinner. For habits you want to make, check precursors and successors that need to change. Its like scheduling a follow-up which ensures that your main appointment is done. Look at the ecosystem and see if you can redesign the system to your desired effect. It is all related. Like they say in business, you are not acting in a vacuum.

Yet, we have trouble following it. Our habits might break once in a while. Best route is small steps. Thats why when the yoga instructor says baby cobra or baby sumo, you know you can handle that.

Last night, I retired to bed as soon as I ate, as I had cold. And then I said sorry to my body, for not giving it a chance to repair itself by letting the blood flow to the brain instead of steering it to the gut for digestion. Having that visualisation of how I was helping my body or hurting my body, helped me internalise the rule more.

Gut as second brain makes sense if you think of the tension butterflies, love butterflies, coffee jitters like heart jumping in the stomach. I have seen this as a book title, but now after this talk it is getting more intriguing.

If you have a bad habit, then you have the passion for repitition, we just need to change the bell to gong or food to cleaning dishes or the cue itself to the desired response.

If you have a habit at all, its a great place to start.

Spending more time eating can make you happier too.

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