
Net Galley Challenge

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Monday, December 16, 2019

5 Tips for non-profits

                                        Image Courtesy:

If you had some paint and could only paint few of the blocks, would you start from left or right?

In Generation Impact, How Next Gen Donors are Revolutionizing Giving, Sharna Goldseker and Michael Moody interestingly note that donors care about not the sheer number of people who would be helped but the percent of the total need in help. To put it in perspective, the example provided is that donors are more likely to help 90 percent of 100 people in a single village destroyed by an earthquake than they are to help 10 percent of 10000 people.

Here are five things you can learn from their Top Five Most Important Components of Philanthropy Strategy.

1. Have the material about your organization, readily available for research by donors. Are you using the storytelling practice with And but therefore in your statements?

2. Frame your work and solutions as a fit for your ideal donor and their goals. Know your donor or show your donor, so prospective donors can identify with the profile of the past donors.

3. Rootcause and Systemic solution Vs Symptom treatments

4. Show how you are most effective in your mission. Who pays your operating costs?

5. Make your funders your best customers by becoming word-of-mouth recommended cause. In 2011 report , about 32% of donors were either casual givers donating to well known organizations or donated based on personal ties of knowing the organization staff.

What is your rating on impactmatters?
Nonprofits with most impact

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