
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Homemade Yogurt & Kefir: 71 Recipes for Making & Using Probiotic-Rich Ferments

Homemade Yogurt & Kefir: 71 Recipes for Making & Using Probiotic-Rich Ferments 

While reading this book, I got an idea about making soy yogurt and almond yogurt. Lets see how they turn out.
So many flavors that can be added to the yogurt - curry spice, turmeric, coffee/tea, herbs.
cheese pen pals
tapioca starch as a starter
Great compilation of all things yogurt. Good pictures to go with.

Ryazhenka /Baked Milk/ Starter Culture By Lactina,probiotic, Organic for 10 Litres

Redwood Hill Farm Traditional Plain Goat Milk Kefir, 32 oz

Euro Cuisine YM80 Yogurt Maker

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