
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Someone Else is Happy with Less Than What You Have

Someone Else is Happy with Less Than What You Have 

Yesterday while reading Running with my head down, I came across a quote -

"There are always two businesses to manage - the one you are in and the one you are becoming"
It made me think of how it is true even for our roles in life. We have to manage the role we are in and the role we are preparing ourselves for. 
You might have heard that you shouldnt dress for the role you are in, but for the role you want to be in.
That reach for the higher ambition is stronger if you acknowledge and accept the role that you are in with gratitude.
The same with the body image too. I have now reached a point where I am going for fitness and happy with my current weight. There is some ground to cover, but I have it all under control. How often can you say that? 

Courtesy: Flickr

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