
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Friday, August 30, 2019

Globalization of Health Care

Multinational Corporations and Health Care in the United States and Latin America: Strategies, Actions, and Effects

Key points from the article in italics -

When I first saw the chart of income range versus the % of income spent towards healthcare, I was like duh the % of a bigger number  for a fixed cost will be small as the purchasing power will be more. But maybe the stark number of lower income spendign 20% of their income of healthcare does ring an uncanny bell, that the healthcare is not equally affordable for all.

Is healthcare a human right?

"managed care in the United States matured into a slow growth field with slim profits, as the huge revenues of the past became harder to achieve". When local markets mature, companies move into foreign markets.

inability to bridge the tensions between cost control and patient choice

"Even if countries choose not to liberalize trade in health services, other sectors covered under GATS negotiations—such as financial services, which include health insurance—directly impact on health care "

"pay according to income but to receive services according to need"

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