
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Dance Spaces

Nordic Dance Spaces: Practicing and Imagining a Region (The Nordic Experience)

"different dance phenomena that have either engaged with or dismantled notions of Nordicness. Looking to the motion of dancers and dance forms between different locations, organizations and networks of individuals,"

The mountain of light catches your eye immediately and then their repetitive motion takes on. One of the dancers neck cranes to follow the model doing the fashion walk, as she continues her pulsating dance. What stands out most is the insitu rhtymic motion like a universal truth.

Sharon Eyal is from the Batsheva Dance Company.

Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works, Volume 2

Embodied Philosophy in Dance: Gaga and Ohad Naharin's Movement Research (Performance Philosophy)

"this book follows the sensual and mental emphases of the movement research practiced by dancers of the Batsheva Dance Company. Considering the body as a means of expression, Embodied Philosophy in Dance deciphers forms of meaning in dance as a medium for perception and realization within the body"

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