
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, November 6, 2021

What are some great ways to stop thinking about food when you're not hungry?

 To be done with hunger during meal times, you have to eat the right food i.e not processed food, not hyperpalatable, in a slowed down fashion, chewing the food to give your body time to send you the full signal during your meal. I added pomegranate seeds recently to my oatmeal and was surprised, how from that extra chewing, I felt the full signal faster. When you provide the right kind of food for your body, couple with nutrition knowledge, you will stop feeding the cravings. Now your body doesn't have to guess what makes it to feel good. It knows that every meal you are giving it the correct nutrition. Imagine a photo gallery of food in your brain. Steer it towards 85% healthy and 15% celebratory for fun times with family and friends. Now do the same with your pantry, with your grocery visits (periphery of the grocery stores, no junk food aisle). Next time if you even think about healthy foods away from your meal time, you are only doing good to your body reminding it to get the veggies.

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