
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, November 6, 2021

No matter what I eat, I'm starving? I eat enough calories, but the hunger keeps me up all night and makes my stomach burn even though I don't need more food. I have no idea what to do here.

 I want to appreciate you on taking the effort to know what your daily calorific needs are. You are also trying to go about it with logic but it is hard to fight hunger pangs. How long does it take for you to eat your food. Is it hyperpalatable. Do you have/get to chew your food. If your food is something that can be gobbled down fast, then there is cope for improvement. Recently I added pomegranate seeds to my oatmeal. Just with that, I had to chew more and since that takes time, I felt the full signal without finishing my daily intake. Think of foods like carrots or crunchy bell peppers (If these are too raw for you, you can chop them to the size of your liking and saute them just a little bit) that you can add to your food which make you to slow down while eating, so you can pay attention to your body’s full and satiety feeling. Consider adding protein and healthy fats too. If you are snacking, then you can avoid that and move that calorie budget to main meals if needed for satiety. Go for whole unprocessed foods.

You are doing all the right things. I wish you good luck.

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