
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Inevitable: Inside the Messy, Unstoppable Transition to Electric Vehicles


Inevitable: Inside the Messy, Unstoppable Transition to Electric Vehicles

Jim Farley on a decade ago China bet on EV

Northvolt missteps

Learning language as a kid

9yo is learining Hindi this weekend feverishly. She learns Telugu every week. She compared the two and asked this question about skipped ah sound at the end of a word in Hindi.

Language acquisition is similar as an adult or a child

21 Lessons for the 21st Century


21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Physical & Cognitive abilities of humans
AI - connectivity and Updatability
Infotech with biotech
I saw a video of an FSD waiting on the side, with an emergency vehicle going on the other side, the traffic light changung to green didnt inspire it. How many times have you seen a green turn arrow and the sudden release and assertion of the brakes from those on the straight path, still waiting to turn green.
At an intersection with the light changing to yellow, I slowed to a stop while the driverless car zoomed ahead, changed lanes and entered a parking lot on the right. It must have been on a higher speed and knows precisely where it will be, given the time and speed data it knows.
During driving, so many assumptions are made. When contradicting assumptions are made, then things don't end well. 
In transport and healthcare, human lives are at higher stake than the jobs themselves.
Case by case basis
With each new technology, lot of communication is necessary to ensure that all the involved know the right way of using the application. While AI won't have this issue due to its connectivity and updatibility, the downside is when the conclusion is wrong or when different conclusions need to be reached based on a case by case basis. The "It depends" case. Inflexibility of AI is one of the reasons of resistance to AI that covers the case of unexpected outputs. We need a case of "go reflect on your actions" or a safeguard before reaching the conclusions.
worst of both worlds - high unemployment and shortage of skilled labor.
AI and humanity when we let AI make decisions and are better understood by them. Our mentors and guides are smarter than us. How are we not manipulated by them? 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Silk Road

 The Real Impact of the Silk Road

recurved bow

socketed arrowhead

military discipline for


the stirrup at 32:39 of the above video - stirrup technology

Reconfiguring the Silk Road

Wagon technology

Yamnaya culture

guest-host institution

World History Cultures States and Society till 1500

domestication of grain

domestication of animals through selective breeding

State of the art

 Elon's 5 step

Latin Grammar

“I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.” - John Adams

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Chinese in VLSI

部分 - bùfèn - portion, part

全面 - quánmiàn - comprehensive 

系统 - xìtǒng - system

HSK1 Standard Course

Compact Mandarin Chinese dictionary

Learning language through street signs

 Looking a the parking signs you can learn the days of the week. Looking at bilingual signs, you can learn another language, if you are familiar with one. Its like a dictionary.

More Than Words: How to Think About Writing in the Age of AI


More Than Words: How to Think About Writing in the Age of AI

Author John Warner likens the chatgpt's writing ability to that of calculator ease to math students.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024



Fighting Techniques of the Medieval world

Thinking beyond technology

"When a technology has clear value proposition to a specified market segment, it is invariably adopted at an accelerated rate."

eg windmill technology in 12th century.

knowing the patterns of wind.

Getting the windmill to start on light winds is a consideration.

Exploring the role of windows and stained glass in Gothic Cathedrals

"the weight of the windows allowed for the use of thinner walls and larger windows, which allowed for more light and a greater sense of openness within the cathedral."

2024 Language reflections

 Reflect on your language goals 2024

one more language reflection

Telugu Grammar

 du mu vu lu prathama vibhakti

Monday, December 23, 2024

Learning Korean

 Easy to remember alphabet

Learning Chinese

Reading & Writing Chinese: Simplified Character Edition

I bought this book in Singapore in 2006. I tried learning through it but never made progress until few months ago when I started learning Japanese. Now I am able to connect my Japanese and CHinese studies through the help of videos.

I love these short videos of questions and answers. You will start understanding sentence structure as well as the repetition of words in the format helps remember words.

I love this Learn 100+ Basic Chinese Words with Pictures for Beginners Mandarin Daily Vocabulary HSK 1 HSK 2 video too.

The presenter shows the tones with her hand signals

Modern Chinese beginners course simplifies Chinese conversation, builds it up slowly and makes the language approachable.


I practised about half of these sentences.