hototogisu ホトトギス
kieyuku 消えゆく vanishing
kiyeyuku 聞いぇゆく listen
It is funny how we remember foreign words wrongly, sometimes saying blunder words and sometimes saying meaningful words.
kata 方 direction
なお, ナオ - nao - furthermore, on top of that , still
'落ち葉 (おちば)' refers to leaves that have fallen
落ち葉を掃く to sweep fallen leaves
kieyuku 消えゆく vanishing
kiyeyuku 聞いぇゆく listen
It is funny how we remember foreign words wrongly, sometimes saying blunder words and sometimes saying meaningful words.
kata 方 direction
なお, ナオ - nao - furthermore, on top of that , still
'落ち葉 (おちば)' refers to leaves that have fallen
落ち葉を掃く to sweep fallen leaves
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