
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Novelist as a Vocation


Novelist as a Vocation

The preface for some reason makes me wonder about an author as old as Versatile Saramago or accomplished musician like the Pole, who reflect on their art towards the end and if they feel like they reached the same house they were fleeing in terms of what they began saying. What do writers expect in terms of change in the voice or thoughts throughout their career?

The Cost of Dreams
A dream is like a fever. You can want many things but once you start working towards something, you can run one through the system.

How will our identity change with space exploration?
How has our identitty changed so far with space faring?  Moonshot. We now consider ourselves confident in pooling resources to make the unimaginable possible with the moonlanding. With further exploration, selected few have embodied the moonshot mentality. How did frontiers, bus, flight change how peole viewed themselves. Frontier and moonshot mentality in ocean studies with Falkor.
Can animals live in space? 
If humans were to live in space, would we have to "Honey I shrunk the kids".

Our tools and our thinking
When Murakami sees the dimming novelistic intelligence from razor's to hatchet's to axe's edge, you can see our stone age and iron age thinking. Whats after space age?

Its interesting the moment, Murakami realised that he could write a novel.

Even the process of writing it first in English, a language he wasnt much familiar in and then translating it back to Japanese was his way of finding his style and infusing the status quo with novelty.

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