
Net Galley Challenge

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Monday, November 20, 2023

A Brief History of Phoenix


A Brief History of Phoenix

Jawa dam in Jordan Electricity is a portable mill. Because you cant take the water source to the place you need, you convert it into another form where it flows easily. Canals for drinking as water use, electricity for distributing power/energy as was done in the Barbegal Mills. A History of Energy Flows - From Human Labor to Renewable Power shows how the cycle od using horses for farming and the legumes grown increasing the horses power wiht better/larger intake of calories shows that innovation is a survival strategy. The number of revolutions per minute with oxen and ilk was less than 6 which moved to 30 with the Barbegal Mill which is now at 80 revolutions per minute at the Lurgashall watermills.
While reading about this water mill, I was curious about the Manarola picture from Bing. Manarola is named after a watermill too. How watermill works was a surprise that at the heart of the mill was the millstone used by my grandparents in villages.
An unsuspecting thing that could go wrong with the millstones is explosion in the mills caused by the dry stones and dust flour. In hindisght, our cavemen figured this out as the way to cause sparks.
This aboriginal map makes you wonder if following the celestial paths on earth was the way to find water and food and as away to remember how to get back to them following the motion of stars was some sort of encoded knowledge in stars or a matter of chance.

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