
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

How can you promote good nutrition and healthful eating habits for the weight management of an individual?

 The Psychology of Eating

Following are the tips from an article in italics. My take on them.

Tips for healthy eating

  • “Don't skip meals.” If you need to lose weight or want the benefits of autophagy, after talking to your doctor, you can go for intermittent fasting. Based on the eating/fasting windows that work for you, you might not have the 4 square meal.
  • “Do plan meals and snacks ahead of time.” There is a goldilocks component here, where you think enough about the next meal for planning purposes but not obsessively about what its going to be and go crazy about it, that you cant wait.
  • “Do keep track of your eating habits.” If need be, track calories for few days. Reinforcement of good behaviors are needed for good habits to stick. If you are waiting for some results that might take time, then reward yourself with a sticker for good behavior.

  • …….
  • “Do use the scale mindfully. Weigh yourself no more than once a week.” I weigh myself daily but the goldilocks number might be different for you.
  • “Do make healthy food choices.” For this learn more about nutrition of the foods that you are taking. How they help you for eg I was excited to know that cranberries have polyphenols which are antioxidants and banana has serotonin which gives you that full feeling.

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