
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, September 19, 2020

WK 9 to 12

Day 1


WK 9 is special as the workouts begin to be 5 days out of 7. I have already switched to workout all days of the week by Wk4 itself.

Day 1 -Chest & Triceps. This Sydney Cummings workout is great. I didnt sweat much but I could feel the chest opening, triceps burning. You keep repeating the exercises with count increased each time. I went with low weights in order to contrinue with the increase in reps. Depsite the low weights, I had to push myself and/or take breaks to rest the arms. I look forward to tomorrow's legs workout.

9/28 WK10 - Day 1Another chest & Triceps workout with Sydney Cummings. Lets push it to 40 min, if we are going to take rest days when needed.

Day 2 9/21

Legs workout with Sydney Cummings.

Wonderful workout. More calories burned than yesterday. Look forward to Back & Biceps tomorrow.

Day 3 9/22

Back & Biceps workout with HASFit

This is wonderful. always some cute and different exercises like shrugs with weights and that towel exercise.. that was hard... Nice sweat... Look forward to their Legs workout tomorrow.

Day 4 9/23

Legs workout with HASFit

Loved this. The calf varieties in the end. Looking forward to tomorrow's shoulder & abs workout.

9/24 - Turned out to be a rest day. Got in a brisk 1.9mi walk.

Day 5 9/25

Shoulder & Abs workout with Sydney Cummings

This is great. Loved the variations of sitting down and standing up, with and without weights alternating. Now I get what superset means. I wasnt able to do one of the exercises well. Just before that the shoulders were taxed. I got a short phone call. I was able to do it better then. All because of the rest. Arnold press. Pushing it to 40 min now.


Core workout - Nice workout. squat and twist on the top. Good sweat.

Core workouts in the remaining 2 days of the week.

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