
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Expressive Sketchbooks by Helen Wells

Image Courtesy: Amazon

Expressive Sketchbooks by Helen Wells is a visual treat as well as a manual for bringing your creativity out. The artist caters well to both the I cant draw section of people as well as those artists who do not like what they have done. My little one has this issue too where I think she has done amazingly but probbaly she has high standards. There are many different exercises in the book that you can customise with your mood and color of the day. I like it that some of he remnants from others day work can be used as a collage another day. There's also a vase experiment that goes into different sketching styles. Mark making is fun too. If you read enough sketching books, you will have come across the experiemnts like drawing in a continuous line, drawing timed. Unleash your creativity in your safeplace - your sketchbook.

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