
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, March 28, 2020

10 Deterrants to exercise

If you want free flow of exercise in your life, think of it in terms of traffic

1. Inadequate Planning - No Destination. No planning. No training. No sustainable goal.

2. Digestion tunnel - This tunnel is 3-4 hours long that you need your stomach for digestion. You cant avoid these tunnels. You have to be on the lookout for aligning your exercise time in tunnel free zones.

3. Too many ramp-ins and ramp-outs - If your schedule is errant and your diet is even more.

4. I dont feel like - If you need a break, take it.

5. Too tired - There will be some days like this.

6. Who needs to exercise - If you dont need it, you wont worry about it.

7. Traffic - Other things on top of mind. When we go through things in life, exercise could take a back seat.

8. Route novelty - If you need to do different kinds of exercise each day, have that research done earlier.

9.Lack of flexibility in the program - You will beat yourself up too much if you miss the slot of a predefined time which might not work everyday.

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