
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Fitness Now

Just learned about Soi Ta-iad fitness village in Phuket, Thailand.
About my own fitness story. I started P90x on alternate weekends about 4 months ago. Reached my first goal of second pre-pregnancy weight.
BMI next.

I started exercising on weekends too, my Achilles heel. Thanks popsugar. That is where I first heard of Muy Thai too.

In P90x3, when I had to do plow which is halasana, I felt nostalgic about the times that I could do it. Did some research and found that, I should learn sarvangasana first.

Fr the last 3 days, have been using the wall for sarvangasana, all that inverted blood feels so good, after a workout in a warm body.

10 minutes of Cardio Abs and then its sweat time. After this pure cardio. I was shooting for 20 mins of it, but the flow of the video is good, I did a few minutes extra. Its almost like a quick dance.

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