
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Monday, December 29, 2014

A Necklace with character

In the Sun, the Mondaynoon Eternal Love Teardrop Swarovski Elements Crystal Pendant in Olive shines its green sparkles on your hand, if it gets closer to the necklace. The necklace is closer to a choker length than a princess one. There's some variable length to the chain.The chain has tiny twisted links with flat stations at about every digit length. My favourite part of this pendant is the bail. It has two twirls, thicker than the necklace with white stones embedded into it. The necklace loops through the bigger twirl, while the smaller twirl overhang is wrapped onto the pendant.Part of the twirl is left plain which heightens the texture of the embedded part. Overall, the solidness of the tear drop pendant is set well against the fluidity of the twirl and the links of the chain.

It wasnt Always like this

I am Waiting

I am Waiting poetry series

The girl wants to pull a
wagon cart
her mom thinks too heavy
for her

I am waiting for her
to figure how to
pull out
the upright handle

There seemed an
indentation for a
finger grip
may be that is it

In few minutes
she pulled the
handle by herself
and pulled the cart

out of the zoo
a girl was standing
not walking
not waiting to leave
even after closing time
She didnt want to leave
so she didnt want to budge

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Austrian Crystal

Peacock feathers
have eyes 
This peacock brooch
has eye beads
all over.


According to the Smithsonian, Aquamarine has the same origins as Emerald, its the minerals that are in it, that gives them their different colours.

Yesterday, the Moon was golden and big. I have always approached this from west and on foot. Last night we drove towards it from the east. With each pole we passed, it seemed like there was one main pole, where we would stop seeing it, but it kept bouncing pole after pole.



Tanzanite was accidentally found after the plains were burnt during a strike.
According to the Smithsonian sie, depending on how the Tanzanite has been cut, it can resemble sapphire or amethyst.

Legs of a Viking Ship

The Viking Ship
that cant stand on land
on its own
In water,
its all legs.

Arctic Fox

white haired over dark skin
with a Snow Goose Egg
- white with dark splashes
in its mouth
Feral hunger

A Small Crane

angled like
a high heel

We are going to the Zoo

We went to the Phoenix Zoo today. I have been there other times, volunteering at some of the exhibits - Monkey Village, Koala Exhibit, cleaning up Oryx Display.

Even though most of the animals are familiar ones, what struck me about the animals was their behaviour. Today we saw a rhino take a leak, it was powerful but when science kicks in, the say is that larger animals dont take any longer to leak. The rhino went back to chowing the grass. And then it moved on to the other part of its station. It did seem interesting to see what a Rhino does the whole day. It did seem like we caught all the other animals at their sleeping time.

We saw a lion sleep on the side with one of its legs up in the air. looks like armadillos do sleep with their legs up in the air. the tiger exhibit was quiet with the Sumatran tiger sleeping somewhere at the bottom of the raised exhibit. Once you get a closer look, you can still see, though lying seemingly dead, its huge. A Mandrill too took to the bed, but the baboons were busy grooming.

A Mom Orangutan surprised everybody standing spatchcocked against the glass and then took a blanket and covered herself in it. Maybe she was feeding the baby or putting her to bed.

I had seen adult komodo before, this time it was a young Komodo on exhibit. The adult was not out in the open as its too cold.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Things People tuck

A teenager waiting
in the Walmart
Returns Line

He bends down to
pick up his
cigarette that fell
from the back
of his ear

pair of slippers into the
planks of Aqaba Pier

Lids into the straw of
Maasai kitchen

The Lifespan of a Fact

Things I have to tell you

You are Here


As a kid, every afternoon, looking up at the hige blobs of white in the sky, I used to think.. Cotton.. And in this book the view from space of the clouds, still they look the same.. Cotton.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

pamper the Baby

Bassinet is such a short time stage, a couple of months. So it seems like a pack n playard with bassinet will just be fine for the job. But Summer Infant Soothe and Sleep Bassinet is too adorable to begin with. When I held the motor it seemed like it had a jiggly thing in it. later I realised this is how the soother gets its mojo of gently rocking and vibrating the bassinet. And along with it are soothing classical music, gurgling water, bird sounds and womb sounds (reminds me of ultra sound). The canopy doesnt hold well in place.

Granta - Women and Children First

The cleverest aspect of Titanic movie.
Maritime Peril

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Housewarming Gift

My wife's boss brought us candles for housewarming and said that in it is Korean tradition to present something that burns.
My husband then added that in Indian tradition, a father should not gift his daughter anything related to fire, for marriage.
In Korean, if you are married, it means you met your spouse 10000 ties, in previous life?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Two Silly goats
on a narrow bridge

A child's excitement
being on a train on
Prakasam Barrage
from a lesson in primary school

A child's fear on a picnic at
Manjeera bridge that is a dam

A single rope in
River rope crossing

The bridges we await
driving in cars - Hoover

A bridge connecting the
South rim and North rim
of GrandCanyon
that the squirrels on either
side havent found
and thus live on an island
unto itself

A landscape bridge
where need not be

Hurricane Vase

Today I looked at a Hurricane Vase

and wondered why there are referred to so.
Dictionary showed a hurricane lamp similar to the vase.

Portrait of a Superman

On a red velvet sheet
a man's head in pencil
is pasted

and where his arm should be
is a reptile in pencil on white
its tail being his palm side
of the hand

Two disjoint images
a head and a reptile
make a Superman's
side profile
with his power
suffusing the whole
red sheet

Saturday, November 15, 2014


A dream
I am in a boat
Its called oboe
when I called it so
somone corrected me
Its pronounced aboe
not o boe

Alliteration in Babys Day Out

"He must have contusions, concussions and contractions"
" with all of my guile, gut and grist"
a candle's chance in a cyclone.

Ted and I

Of  a little known place called Myhtolmroyd and he person who made it famous.
Of boys who play with Meccano sets, clockwork trains, and get into little troubles with guns.
Of artists.

Envelope messaging

In a Full Face Window Envelope
with a sheet of wallet pics of
my daughter
When I held the transparent side at
an angle
a reflection of the pictures facing the envelope

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Bubble finger

Suddenly a quarter of the room
had soap bubbles
With so many in the air
I became a child
like all the other twos
I held my finger tips so
the bubbles would stick

Once that achieved
I tried transferring it
to other kids, but
the bubbles didnt survive

Then came stacking the bubbles
one on another
I counted till ten.

A microwave that fans by itself

The microwave mus have felt hot
It began whirring by itself
we could do nothing to switch it off
10 min later it went off

Europe has Class B requirement
where code needs to be checked
so that your appliances dont turn

But getting some air
has it ever been malicious

Saturday, November 1, 2014

140 characers for 3

I didnt realise that unsent letters could be so much fun. The Twitter feeds and the lists are funny.
The author's replies to the conversation heard as a third party listener is a two-tier privilege to the reader.
If the authors neighbies are so dumb, I am surprised how he hasnt moved. I still didnt get how the author has become a better person. And if the author has decoded the female brain then the next book should be 'What girls want?'.

The Unimaginable

3 and 1/2 stars
I was very intrigued by the story. I never read a romance that takes place abroad for the characters. And to think of the heroine trying to save herself, who doesnt want to be in that place.
The setting of a foreign land and the shores add up for a catchy tale. The main characters emotional baggage is well portrayed. Another supporting character too is well sketched while the traditional romance novels dont leave the focus from the main characters. The most striking thing about the book is the adventure and the risk that it involves , which adds the texture of things going awry.
The book is way too long for a romance novel. Its not going to be a quick stress buster like a Harlequin or M&B. But the length also gave the author a chance to flesh out her characters to know them more than superficially.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Hot Air Balloon

sign on Arizona Balloon Classic
reminded me of
water drops
but somethings different.

The round shape
of drops is downward

When they evaporate
is the corner downward?

In Pedda Bala Siksha, a balloon poem compared it to an inverted pot.

The Last Night of the Earth poems

Ant hills

On todays walk we found about 19 tiny anthills by the side of the path. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Collected Poems Mark Strand

Something is in the air is the kind of poem which will make the reader come up wit his/her own parallel poem of what that something in the air might be.
Taking a walk with you
Walking around like I stalked myself to the open door by Sandra Lim.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I dont like her But

A man parked the infant carrier car seat
next to the sofa
in the library play area
His toddler had  a bunch of yellow of flowers

I should have guessed that someone
was missing
that someone was expected

Where are you?
You must be kidding

In a while a lady arrives

There's an exchange of hugs and kisses
flowers and puzzles

The little girl in the pink is doted

Mom asks the howabouts of the kid
How he got his boo boo
She wills to help the kid with the

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Metal Industry Vol 19


My colleague and I were working on an email. I asked him to write that
some thing is under the pad.
He reread it and changed it to
some thing is located under the pad.

is is doing some form of location. when you say something is on the edge of the city, you mean its located there.

The Grammar of is and located
redundant located