
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, December 28, 2014

We are going to the Zoo

We went to the Phoenix Zoo today. I have been there other times, volunteering at some of the exhibits - Monkey Village, Koala Exhibit, cleaning up Oryx Display.

Even though most of the animals are familiar ones, what struck me about the animals was their behaviour. Today we saw a rhino take a leak, it was powerful but when science kicks in, the say is that larger animals dont take any longer to leak. The rhino went back to chowing the grass. And then it moved on to the other part of its station. It did seem interesting to see what a Rhino does the whole day. It did seem like we caught all the other animals at their sleeping time.

We saw a lion sleep on the side with one of its legs up in the air. looks like armadillos do sleep with their legs up in the air. the tiger exhibit was quiet with the Sumatran tiger sleeping somewhere at the bottom of the raised exhibit. Once you get a closer look, you can still see, though lying seemingly dead, its huge. A Mandrill too took to the bed, but the baboons were busy grooming.

A Mom Orangutan surprised everybody standing spatchcocked against the glass and then took a blanket and covered herself in it. Maybe she was feeding the baby or putting her to bed.

I had seen adult komodo before, this time it was a young Komodo on exhibit. The adult was not out in the open as its too cold.

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