
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Changing Behavior

skillpower over willpower

Personal motivational ability

Do I want to? Yes, I so wanted to.

Can I do it? I didnt know if I could. I didnt know how to.

Peer pressure or Social pressure

Friends & Coaches

There was no peer pressure but there was a sharing of understanding - eating slow registers with the body that we have eaten enough. aerobics class learned in metros. 

Incentives and Rewards

Once you see the results, you are more motivated to continue your efforts.

Wow, this speech puts a face to each of the factors with people literally named and numbered as

1. Do I Want to? Willpower

2. Can I do it? Skillpower
3. Friends
4. Coach
5. Rewards
6. Structural Ability
                                                    Courtesy: gyfcat

My Crucial Moments was mealstime. Not having my own kitchen, limited me to the hostel times when food was available. being on a budget also helped that I wouldnt by extra food or eat outside the meal times.

Vital behaviors. In Reader's Digest, I read two things that changed my life.

You can control your appetite by eating less. 
You can lose weight by walking. Thing I loved. Easy to do more of it right.

The most willpower that I had to use was when I switched from rice to tortillas. It was very hard. With tortialls, sinc eit was easy to count, I was measuring what I was eating. These habits stuck even after I left the hostel and was interning. There was free lunch and rotis too. Here too I had to use  alittle bit of will power not that I was tempted to eat rice but to stay on track of being satiated with tortillas.

I loved the exercising attitude ( Jennifer Lopez in I'm Glad) , so I went along with my friends to the gym in the final year of undergrad. During the internship, I chucked the autorickshaw in the slow traffic and walked, which was about the sametime. My family had set me up to love the walks. My mom would finish up cooking early in the mroning, so we could all go for walks. For dinner, we would make tortillas.

I continued these two behaviors wherever I went. Swapping walks for busrides and carrides (I went on a 4 hour walk just because, I had time and it was a puzzle to follow the directions) even whenever there was time. When the student recreationc enter was closed for spring break, I did the 4 hour walk with a stop at Starbucks.

My journey to fitness

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